

2024 L. H. Liow, A. Porto A. & E.Di Martino. Trait-fitness associations via fecundity and competition in a two-million-year-long fossil record. The American Naturalist (In Press)

2024 M. Tsuboi, De Lisle S., Grabowski M., Hopkins Porto A., Sztepanacz J., Voje K. L., Balk M., Hildesheim L., Horta-Lacueva Q., Hohmann N., Holstad A., Lürig M., Milocco L., Niléen S., Passarotto A., Pontarp M., Rossoni D., Svensson E., Villegas C.,  Winslott E., Liow L.H.., M., Hunt G., Houle D. and Love A. 2024 The Paradox of predictability provides a bridge between micro- and macroevolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology (accepted)

2024 M. D. Lurig, Di Martino E., Porto A. BioEncoder: a metric learning toolkit for comparative organismal biology. Ecology Letters (accepted).

2024 J.C. Duque, Balk M, Dahdul W, Lapp H, Mikó I, Alhajjar E, Wynd B, Tarasov S, Lawrence C, Khakurel B, Porto A. Meeting Report for the Phenoscape TraitFest 2023 with Comments on Organizing Interdisciplinary Meetings. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. Mar 6;8:e115232.


2023 E. Di Martino, B. Berning, D.P. Gordon, P. Kuklinski, L.H. Liow, M.H. Ramsfjell, H.L. Ribeiro, A.M. Smith, P.D. Taylor, K.L. Voje, A. Aeschenbach, A. Porto. DeepBryo: a web app for AI-assisted morphometric characterization of cheilostome bryozoans. Limnol Oceanogr Methods.

2023 Hubbe,A., G. Garcia, H. Sebastiao, A. Porto, F. Machado, J.M. Cheverud, G. Marroig. 2023. Morphological integration during postnatal ontogeny: implications for evolutionary biology. Evolution vol.77(3), pp. 763-775.

2023 K.L.Voje, M. Grabowski, A. Holstad, A. Porto, M. Tsuboi, and G. Bolstad. 2023. Does lack of evolvability constrain adaptation? If so, on what time scales? In: Evolvability: a new and unifying concept in evolutionary biology? Editors, Thomas F. Hansen and Christophe Pelabon. In Press.


2022 Zhang,C., A. Porto, S. Rolfe, A. Kocatulum, A.M. Maga. 2022. Automated Landmarking via Multiple Templates. PLoS ONE vol.17(12): 0278035.

2022 Love, A.C., M. Grabowski, D. Houle, L.H. Liow, A. Porto, M. Tsuboi, K.J Voje and G. Hunt. 2022. Evolvability and the Fossil record. Paleobiology vol.48(2), pp.186-209.


2021 Lurig, M., S. Donoughe, E.I. Svensson, A. Porto and M. Tsuboi. 2021. Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and the Promise of Phenomics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution vol. 9, p. 148.

2021 Porto, A., S. Rolfe and A. M. Maga. 2021. ALPACA: a new and general computer vision framework for automated landmarking of 3D biological structures. Methods in Ecology and Evolution vol.12, p. 2129 - 2144.

2021 Rolfe, S., S. Pieper, A. Porto, K. Diamond, J. Winchester, S. Shan, H. Kirveslahti, D. Boyer, A. Summers and A.M. Maga. 2021. SlicerMorph: An open and extensible platform to retrieve, visualize and analyze 3D morphology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution vol. 12(10), p.1816-1825.


2020 Porto,A. and K.J. Voje. 2020. ML-morph: A Fast, Accurate and General Approach for Automated Detection and Landmarking of Biological structures in Images. Methods in Ecology and Evolution vol. 11(4), pp.500-512.

2020 Voje, K.L., Di Martino, E. and A. Porto. 2020. Revisiting a landmark study-system: no evidence for punctuated equilibrium in Metrarabdotos. The American Naturalist vol. 195 (5), pp.899-917.


2019 Machado, F., Hubbe, A., Melo, D., Porto, A. and G. Marroig. 2019. Measuring the magnitude of morphological integration: the effect of differences in morphometric representations and the inclusion of size. Evolution vol. 73(12), p. 2518-2528.


2018 Porto, A. 2018. Variational Approaches to Evolvability: Short-and Long-Term Perspectives. Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide, Springer, 1-14.

2018 Porto, A., J. M. Peralta, N. B. Blackburn and J. Blangero. 2018. Reliability of genomic predictions of complex human phenotypes. BMC proceedings vol. 12(9), p. 51.

2018 Blackburn, N.B., A. Porto, J. M. Peralta and J. Blangero. 2018. Heritability and genetic associations of triglyceride and HDL-C levels using pedigree-based and empirical kinships. BMC proceedings vol. 12(9), p. 34.

2018 Peralta,J.M., N. B. Blackburn, A. Porto, J. Blangero, and J. Charlesworth. 2018. Genome-wide linkage scan for loci influencing plasma triglyceride levels. BMC proceedings vol. 12(9), p. 52.


2016 Porto, A., R. Schmelter, J.L. Vandeberg, G. Marroig and J.M. Cheverud. 2016. Evolution of the genotype-to-phenotype map and the cost of pleiotropy in mammals. Genetics v.204(4), pp.1601-1612. mentored student co-autorship.

2016 Grabowski, M. G. and A. Porto 2016. How many more? Sample size determination in studies of morphological integration and evolvability. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, v.8(5), pp.592-603. Co-first authors

2016 Melo, D., A. Porto , J.M. Cheverud, and G. Marroig. 2016. Modularity: genes, development and evolution. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics v.47 (1). *Co-first authors


2015 Porto, A., H. Sebastiao, S. Pavan, J. L.VandeBerg, G. Marroig and J. M. Cheverud. 2015. Rate of evolutionary change in cranial morphology of the marsupial genus Monodelphis is constrained by the availability of additive genetic variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology v.28(4), p.973-985. Finalist- Best Student Paper.


2013 Porto, A., F. B. de Oliveira, L. Shirai, G. Marroig. 2013. Size variation, growth strategies and the evolution of modularity in he mammalian skull. Evolution v.67, p.3305-3322.


2011 Marcelli, J., A.Porto. 2011. Analise da percepcaoo sobre a fauna brasileira dos estudantes do Ensino Fundamental e Medio da cidade e Sao Paulo. Book chapter (Portuguese). mentored student authorship

2011 Marroig, G., D. Melo, A. Porto, H. Sebastiao, G.Garcia. 2011. Selection response decomposition (SRD): a new tool for dissecting ifferences and similarities between matrices. Evolutionary Biology v.38 (2), p.225-241.


2009 Oliveira, F.B. de, A. Porto, G. Marroig. 2009. Covariance structure in the skull of Old World Monkeys: a case of pattern stasis and magnitude evolution. Journal of Human Evolution v.56 (4), p.417-430.

2009 Porto, A., F. B. de Oliveira, L. Shirai, Conto, G. Marroig. 2009. The evolution of modularity in the mammalian skull I: morphological integration patterns and magnitudes. Evolutionary Biology v. 36. p. 118-135.

2009 Marroig, G., L. Shirai, A. Porto, F.B. de Oliveira, V. De Conto. 2009. The Evolution of modularity in in the mammalian skull II: evolutionary consequences. Evolutionary Biology v.36. p. 136-148.